Cardiovascular Care
Hello Heart is a digital leader in preventive heart health. Their mission is to empower people to understand and improve their heart health using technology and behavioral science. Hello Heart sees best-in-class clinical outcomes, cost savings and long-term engagement. They address the leading cause of death and most expensive chronic disease in the United States, heart disease.1

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death and a leading driver of healthcare spending.1 Hello Heart provides members with a connected device and AI-driven digital coaching app. Members receive actionable insights around healthy eating, activity, and can track key heart metrics. Validated in peer-reviewed studies2, Hello Heart members achieve significant reductions in blood pressure over a sustained period.
By building a habit of monitoring heart health, members create sustained lifestyle changes:
Tracking of blood pressure, cholesterol, medication, activity, and weight
Detection of irregularities in blood pressure and pulse
Digital Coaching personalized with AI
Reporting shareable with physicians
Health equity and women’s heart health
Bluetooth-enabled monitor and easy-to-use mobile app

Take a test drive
Schedule a consultation with a member of our team and see our Care Partner panel could help.
1Ahmed FB, Anderson RN. The Leading Causes of Death in the US for 2020. JAMA. 2021;325(18):1829-1830 Accessed October 16, 2023.
2Gazit T, et al. Assessment of Hypertension Control Among Adults Participating in a Mobile Technology Blood Pressure Self-management Program. JAMA Netw Open. 2021; 4(10). (Some study authors are employed by Hello Heart. Because of the observational nature of the study, causal conclusions cannot be made. There were 108 participants with baseline blood pressure over 140/90 who had been enrolled in the program for 3 years and had application activity during weeks 148-163. See additional important study limitations in the publication.)
The information provided does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal or medical advice; instead, all information and content herein is provided for general informational purposes only. The decision to select a digital health solution provider is complex and the integrated Care Partner Panel digital health solution offerings are not a substitute for the advice of an attorney or other professional medical or health advisors. Nothing within the Care Partner Panel program is intended to constitute or replace medical advice from a properly licensed healthcare provider. The decision to participate in the Care Partner Panel program is not intended to create a fiduciary relationship between a Benefitfocus client and Benefitfocus, or its subcontractors, or its digital health solution partners. The services provided by a digital health solution provider may require plan participants to interact with Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) generated content. AI generated content may contain errors or inaccuracies and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional advice. As a requirement in making such services available to its employees, Benefitfocus clients shall not mandate that their employees use the services of any particular digital health solution provider.